“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.

“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.


There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.

There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.

You feel it, don’t you?"

― Rumi



Trauma-informed therapist, shamanic facilitator, plant medicine integration coach and trainer for holistic practitioners.

Inspired by the dream of a harmonious world, my passion lies in the intersection of individual transformation and collective change.

I believe that as we each journey towards healing and wholeness, we organically contribute to the broader shift towards peace, unity, and harmony, on our planet Earth.









The Mentorship is a transformational journey to contemplate the dephts of your being, unlock your gifts and spread your resplendence to the world.

I am creating a space of deep trust, safety, compassion and active listening where you can fully be and be seen in all your shades and colors. I am supporting you in bringing light at the root of your emotions, traumas and limiting beliefs for them to be contemplated, accepted and transformed in your own and perfect timing. I am sharing both practical and energetical tools that you can incorporate in your daily life to flow through it with more trust, naturalness, joy and grace.

People who were guided by me often experience a strong yet gentle emotional release, insights and understandings leading them to sharpen their awareness, cultivate self-love, discover their gifts and wonders and become their full authentic self.

  • The first part of the session is an open-heart conversation. You are coming with an intention: a challenge you are facing, a limitation you want to overcome, a goal you want to reach, a dream you want to manifest.

    Through Compassionate Inquiry (Gabor Maté’s approach), active listening and body awareness, I am guiding you to weave light at the root of your patterns, beliefs, emotions and perceptions. Your understanding sharpen as you get to contemplate your past traumas, conditioning and protection mechanisms. You are no longer a victim of your shadows as you are learning to befriend them and unlock their secret treasures.

    As you are being witnessed in that safe, gentle and authentic space, you are meeting yourself in your vulnerability and strengths, allowing the veils to fall, the mutation to happen, your inner master to rise.

    I am sharing with you practical and energetic tools to implement in your daily life and embody your full empowered radiant self. Vitality, clarity, self-love and bliss emanate in you and through you as your are flowering in life with more naturalness and grace.

    In the second part of the session, we open a space for an energetic transformation.

    Through a combination of tools - shamanism, quantum healing, breathwork, sound - I am guiding you into a theta brainwave state, a light state of trance that creates a direct access to the subconscious mind.

    This is an essential part of the transformation as most of our fear-based programs and habits are imprinted in the subconscious and can be refined in that state of expanded awareness. In that space, you are giving voice to your body sensations and suppressed emotions. You allow your life force energy to be unleashed and ignite your power. Reaching a point of absolute stillness, you are receiving the exquisite guidance of your being, the whispers of your essence.

  • Compassionate Inquiry

    Compassionate Inquiry® is a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Maté that reveals what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world. Both the individual and therapist unveil the level of consciousness, mental climate, hidden assumptions, implicit memories and body states that form the real message that words both express and conceal. Through Compassionate Inquiry, the client can recognize the unconscious dynamics that run their lives and how to liberate themselves from them.”

    “The purpose of Compassionate Inquiry is to drill down to the core stories people tell themselves – to get them to see what story they are telling themselves unconsciously; what those beliefs are, where they came from; and guide them to the possibility of letting go of those stories, or letting go of the hold those stories have on them … ” ~ Dr. Gabor Maté”

    Quantum Healing

    Quantum healing relies on the principles of quantum physics that highlights the existence of a unified field of consciousness. A typical meditation of quantum healing will bring you into a thetha brainwave state - a light state of trance that creates a direct access to that unified field and to your subconscious mind. In that space, any tension, constriction, shadow, trauma can be transformed on a subatomic level. This leads to a refinement of your DNA and a complete transmutation of the fabric of your being.


    With Breathwork, we follow our breath, our guide who initiates, teaches and purifies. With each conscious connected breath, we land in the present moment with awareness. Each inhale brings nourishment, freshness and prosperity. Each exhale invites a release of emotions, a sublimation of old patterns. The oxygen brings clarity to our mind, strenght to our body, mutation to our cells. The breath connects us with the deepest mysteries and wonders of being human.


    Shamanism allows us to reconnect to the ancestral wisdom imprinted in our being - untamed, untouched. It is a remembrance of our eternity and of all the knowledge and magic available to us when we are willing to slow down and listen the song of our soul.

    Shamanism is taking a path of interconnectedness with all that is, of multidimensional exploration, of exponential transformation. It is entering in synergy and communion with the Earth and all the sentient beings, awakening a mutual communication with nature.

    It is learning how to be part of the whole and not against it, how to be in the greatest service of the planet, emanate our gifts for local and global change, to serve ourselves and the generations to come.

  • Duration

    The mentorship program requires a minimum commitment of minimum 3 months and up to 6 months. Sessions can be scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on your needs and availability. Each online session lasts approximately 75 minutes and each in-person session 120 minutes.


    In addition to the sessions, the mentorship program offers ongoing support between meetings. This includes on-demand chat-based coaching, personalized practices, and guidance to support you addressing challenges in your daily routine. This ensures continuous expansion and anchoring of the work done during sessions.

    You can either join the mentorship in 1-on-1 sessions for a full personalised program or in intimate group of minimum 3 people.

  • For a 3-month commitment, including follow-up between sessions and personalized practice suggestions, choose from three options:

    OPTION 1:

    Weekly sessions (12 sessions total over 3 months)

    • In person: 85€ per session

    • Online: 65€ per session

    OPTION 2:

    Bi-weekly sessions (6 sessions total over 3 months)

    • In person: 95€ per session

    • Online: 75€ per session

    OPTION 3:

    Monthly sessions (3 sessions total over 3 months)

    • In person: 105€ per session

    • Online: 85€ per session

    FOR INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS ONLY (outside of the mentorship program, with no commitment required):

    • In person: 115€ per session

    • Online: 95€ per session

    DISCOUNTS are available for a longer commitment of 6-month or more and/or for group mentorships with 3 or more participants. Please reach out for more details.


The retreats and immersions are a catalyst for expansion and (r)evolutionary transformation.

For several days, we are coming together to share our hearts, contemplate our dephts, embrace our most profound shadows, unleash our light and power, birth our dreams as individuals and as a collective.

The wholistic practices combine modern techniques and ancient wisdom with a great attention being put on personalized care.

We are devoted to create safe, inclusive, heart-based and transformative spaces where each participant is supported to heal, learn, grow and embrace their unique path to personal and collective evolution.

We are committed to bring a strong emphasis on the preparation and the integration process, guiding each participant to anchor long-lasting change into their life and supporting them on their awakening journey back to themselves.


We have created Earth Weavers, a community of Earth guardians, dreamers, and change-makers weaving the Future Consciousness together.

Deeply rooted in honoring and learning from the power of the medicines of the Earth, we strive to create a bridge between the ancestral wisdom from the indigenous cultures and the last discoveries in consciousness and modern science.

We offer a diversity of meaningful explorations - from monthly online group support, to educational trainings, sacred circles, retreats, and inspirational talks.

Our approach is integrative, with a profound understanding of trauma, modern psychology and somatic-based therapy as well as a solid knowledge of the shamanic cosmology and the spirit worlds.


Check all reviews on Google review

  • Mohammed

    If I could give it 10 out of 5, I would!

    Karlyn was exceptional in her support. I felt reassured, supported and respected in my privacy.

    Her support is by far one of the most extraordinary I have experienced.

    The experience I had with her transformed my life.

  • Arabelle

    I highly recommend Karlyn. Karlyn offers a deep guidance which is loving, playful and light all the while being transformative and true. This can be confronting, but there is a heart centered approach which is so valuable. I’ve done different healing sessions with them like sound and quantum healing, shamanic journeying, mentorship calls and gene keys reading. What I love is the trust I’m enveloped with. There is a knowledge and intuition for what you are at the moment of connection. And with a wide range and ever-growing set of tools their adaptive power to heal is exponential. Thank you so much for your service and just being you on this planet!

  • Sasha

    It´s been a year since I´ve been blessed with Karlyn´s companionship as a therapist, mentor and coach. There is something very unique when it comes to her approach to offer spaces for healing. She is not only an incredible healer but an artist too and musician, creating wholesome and immersive experiences that inspires our true expression from deep within. Her sense of integrity is unbreakable, and she will always stand for truth and love. It has been a real inspiration and relief to find her in my live. She has a very loving presence, and is easy to feel in trust and open up like spring flowers with her, welcoming the light and embracing the shadow... for real. She is sharp, refined, and clear. I have never been more close to my truth until the moment I started to do the work with her. Forever grateful for her devotion and marvellous eclectic style.

  • Daphnée

    Thank you… that’s the first word that comes to my mind when I first met and experienced a session with Karlyn. An exceptional woman, a professional sound therapist, and a sublime person in every way. Karlyn was able to put me at ease and support me in a powerful and demanding but so beautiful soul cleansing.

    This treatment mixes breathing techniques and sound healing to put you in a trance state allowing Karlyn to help you cleanse your mind and get rid of the barriers that limit it.

    Since our session, a week has passed and I have been able to admire the many blockages that have disappeared thanks to her care - a renewal that feels good. I highly recommend this therapist and will definitely continue to work with Karlyn!

  • Johanna

    I’ve done several healing sessions with Karlyn and her presence and capacity to bring forward stucked emotions are incredible.

  • Julie

    Karlyn is an extraordinary mentor who completely embodies her teachings. I have done several training courses (and I will do more) feeling guided and accompanied with a lot of benevolence. Her transmission is rich and powerful, it opens up a wonderful field of possibilities. I can only advise you to surrender with eyes closed and to let yourself be guided by Karlyn. A huge thank you to you!

  • Suhaïl

    I get the chance to receive shamanic healings from Karlyn Sovied. Althrough the therapy was remotely given because it was a urgent situation, I could still feel Karlyn's strenght all along the healing session. Indeed, I had the impression she was just in front of me, I could feel her breath, feeling her handle the forces of nature to help me find myself step by step.

    I could perceive how my energies were slowly putting back together thanks to her. I have not only appreciated the healing ceremony but also her follow-up, before and after the session but also her divinations and precious advice. She was, and still is, very caring, paying attention to listen to my own rythm, in order to not rush me while allowing me to go further, the farest that I could personally go.

    Her humanity as well as her deep connexion to nature and the other realms allow her to help people she meets. I can't wait to receive a shamanic healing from her again !

  • Alexandre

    By far the most effective of the "alternative" medicine sessions that I have had, as effective as several months spent seeing a shrink. I received a session including Wim Hof ​​breathing method, shamanic and sound therapy.

    Because of issues of self-confidence and even, I realized it, a bad self-image and a permanent mental grayness caused by deep and accumulative wounds. But be careful, don't expect a gentle and quiet treatment, it is very tiring, unfortunately, you will have to go through pain to be healed.
    So yeah, you're going to suffer for a good 20 minutes. This method of breathing forces you to face your deepest tensions and let them out of your body, it's hard, but happiness is the reward.

    Fortunately, Karlyn helps and guides you in finding your own voice, plus she is a good psychologist.

    During the second part of the treatment, it was a gentler treatment with the use of meridians, aromatherapy, and other reflex zones of the body, acting on various blockages and tensions.

  • Laura

    Karlyn is passionate and fascinating. I felt surrounded by a bubble of love and care during her shamanic treatment which I felt the benefits the next day. A spiritual journey that allowed me to reconnect to myself, but also a journey that reminds you that there are people who appreciate you for who you are. Karlyn is one of those people who loves and loves you without any artifice.

  • Suzanne

    Aaah what about the deeply human and transformative teaching that I received from Karlyn… It is rare to come across such a benevolent teacher. I am absolutely grateful to have crossed paths with this beautiful soul who works in love to build a more awake & more aware world. I followed her "Vocation" program which I can only recommend as it put me on the path to a greater understanding of myself. Her shamanic journeys, her Breathwork techniques and the introspection exercises she offers are both accurate and powerful.

  • Carole

    Karlyn is an excellent practitioner and guide. She guarantees safety of the space for healing. She opens the doors of consciousness with gentleness and creativity. I strongly advise you to get an experience with her and discover yourself. And I thank her from the bottom of my heart for her work.

  • Julie

    Karlyn hold a potent sacred space of transformation, acceptance and love. The practice she shares aggregates the multiple transmissions she have received through their journeys with yoga, shamanism, dance, sound, Kundalini energy, self expression and art.

    I have had the pleasure to receive from her and facilitate with her, and the moments shared are always divine, aligning and eternal.

    I couldn't encourage you enough to allow your curiosity to guide you to sneak a peak into her magic offerings.

    Love all ways

  • Mathias

    What a pleasure to have met Karlyn.. I went to 2 retreat she organised. Every time I was enchanted by the support, the openness, the teachings, the fun, the depth, the professionalism, the familiarity. So humble and so supportive. the activities we did still resonates in me. And the people I met at the retreats were all very sweet. It was a great place to meet sensitive people interested in healing and sharing. Karlyn trained in many disciplines and is now doing her own mix and you can see she knows what she is talking about.

  • Eugenio

    I had a 6 day retreat hosted by Karlyn around new year’s and I really loved the experience.

    Every day was filled with tasty ayurvedic meals, activating sessions like kundalini yoga, breath work or dancing, and many different therapeutic activities, all of which I found of extreme value.

    I really recommend Karlyn as she’s a very sensitive person who knows how to host a safe space for healing and how to help people through that process.

  • Itap

    Wonderful experience with Karlyn Imaya during the last full moon. Mixing several sound practices (gongs, bowls and songs) and breathing techniques, Karlyn made me experienced a real transcendental journey, I was able to feel my body in depth and I let go completely. We were a small group in a beautiful Yoga studio in Paris and she created this magical journey that allowed us to connect to ourselves but also to others... I arrived with pain in the joints that magically flew away after this 2:30 hours treatments. I felt purified and cleansed...so nice feeling! I also remember the extreme benevolence and kindness of this smiling therapist who takes you out of this journey with a light heart and a peaceful soul. Thank you Karlyn!

  • Nina

    I received sound and energetic healings from Karlyn. She is an amazing therapist and human being. I recommand her to anyone who wants to explore a deep state of relaxation where they find themselves, work on their emotional blockages, release chronic pain and develop energetic abilities, to anyone who wants to be more aligned with their life path and curious to discover a holistic approach that can bring them to more well-being.

  • Antoine

    Karlyn is a very human therapist, truly caring and attentive to the people she supports.

    The breathwork & sound healing sessions I attended were a great help to me. Several of my blockages have come up through this experience. From a personal point of view her breathwork has echoed past rebirth experiences, which I find is the most effective practice for healing neuroses.

    So if you are on the path of personal development, awakening or even healing your soul, I sincerely invite you to contact Karlyn !

  • Anne

    Thank you for everything Karlyn! Your immense ability to listen, your infinite pedagogy and your unfailing generosity. Not to mention the care, energy and love you bring to each of us. Just by writing these words, I feel them! See you soon, for new learnings.

  • Xavier

    Amazing! It was a very profound and beautiful experience to be part of a sacred space held by Karlyn at her place in Mallorca.

    The house is located in the countryside, with a big garden, a fireplace, and away from the intense energy of the city. I could feel a vibrant energy since I arrived, and while I was there being guided by Karlyn, I experienced a deep opening, a feeling of being supported by her presence and her voice while chanting indigenous songs.

    I'm very grateful for her generosity, receiving the work that she offers with care and love is something I will never forget and I hope to come back soon !

  • Frédérique

    I had my first sound therapy with Karlyn. I felt it very deeply through my body and bones. The Tibetan bowls and all the other instruments brought me a great feeling of relief and wellness as well as softness and peace. It was like being immersed in a big bath of love and serenity thanks to all these sound frequencies which miraculously travel and vibrate through the organs and cells of the body... It was very good to receive, deep and simple at the same time.

    Thanks to Karlyn for allowing me to let go... After the session I felt a beautiful calmness and my mind was at peace... The following days helped me to find solutions for my problems...

    I wish with all my heart to Karlyn a wonderful journey for her future therapies. Thank you again for your generosity and your authentic sensitivity and responsiveness to my current difficulties. I found in you a deep empathy and I felt your beautiful soul to help and take care of others... I strongly advice you to discover the healing sessions of this sound-therapist. With gratitude... Namaste

  • Corinne

    What an extraordinary discovery of sound and energetic healing with karlyn. A pure moment of bliss, well-being and rebalance. Karlyn, thanks to her professionalism, her skills of musician and her passion for sound-therapy knows how to offer high quality healings with lot of love. It was a very beautiful moment ! Thanks again to Karlyn for this unforgettable experience.

    Highly recommended !

  • Jean-Christian

    I have been able to get rid of tobacco addiction and establish a much more healthy lifestyle. Karlyn has also been an incredible help to reconnect with my own voice and made me discover the power of sound waves through her use of multiple instruments and particularly her mastering of the gongs.

  • Hope

    Karlyn's class has proven to me that I can calm my mind without the use of medication (I have ADHD). In the beginning you expel all your energy and then basque in a series of calming chants, sounds and music. It's a very unique experience, with the marriage of Kundalini and sound healing. I highly recommend her class, I promise you won't find anything like it.

  • Sinclair

    So magic so special so all encompassing. Delved into parts of myself that needed to be expressed. A great experience of self recognition through collaboration and self enquiry.

  • Julien

    Karlyn can convince all the sceptical people with her soft approach, empathic and patient. She succeeds in creating a safe space where the relaxation state is very easy to access even for the most anxious ones. We really feel hold by Karlyn who really gives generously from the beginning to the end of the session. The sound bath with Karlyn was a revolutionnary experience for me and I can't wait to keep on learning sound-therapy with her.

  • Saphira

    I had a wonderful experience with this beautiful shining soul and instantly felt at home and so welcomed and safe with her so i went to all the workshops that she offered.

    Karlyn is creating such a warm and loving space and I trust her completly.

    She is offering such powerful, deep and healing experiences .

    Thanks for sharing your wisdom in such a humble and beautiful way.

  • Elise

    I participated in several breathwork and shamanic initiation sessions with Karlyn. I really like her approach. She inspires trust and she is very good at transmitting the teachings she received ! found it easy to follow her exercises, it's intense and very fun, she does this with simplicity and sweetness, and I can use her methods to travel alone. Excellent continuation with your projects Karlyn !

  • Catherine

    I assisted to a sound-therapy workshop with Karlyn. It was extraordinary. It was a magical moment of well-being and joy. The sounds resonated in me and I instantly let go. Thanks to you Karlyn. I can't wait to live again such an afternoon. I highly recommend, Karlyn is a person that deserves to be met.

  • Alice

    Karlyn is an incredible guide and woman ! Her work is done with heart and a lot of wisdom! I thank her very much for having gently accompanied me at important moments in my life! Thank you.

  • Cristina

    Incredible woman, incredible healer, incredible human. Loved every bit of my experience with her. She is so grounded and feminine and yet strong and driven. I fell in love !

  • Julie

    Very powerful experience. Karlyn is very attentive and holds you with great attention and kindness. She takes time to explain the unfolding of the session, to set a precise framework, and makes you feel very comfortable. The healinng afterwards was a real experience both physically and spiritually.

    I highly recommend sessions with Karlyn!

  • Taynah

    Working with Karlyn has been an absolute blessing. They always keep the space safe and motivating for us to keep moving towards our truth. I’m thankful to have such a guide and support in my life

  • Aldja

    I had an amazing time ! This first experience amazed me and transported me, I can not wait to renew it ! Thank you Karlyn for sharing, you are committed and your radiance made me feel good.

    See you soon !

  • Jan

    Karlyn offers a sound journey with multiple tones. She brings all her experiences from traveling around the world and takes us into a unique collection of instruments and deep meditative states where we experience sensations, dreams and shamanic healing...

    Thank you Karlyn for your talent and generosity in your art !

  • Clémence

    I discovered Karlyn's "Breath & Sound" sessions during lockdown. I immediately liked it and helped me to take another step in my meditation practice.

    I did not know the breathwork methods which are demanding but Karlyn explains them perfectly and above all accompanies us on the path of experience. Thank you karlyn for your sweetness.

  • Laurent

    It's kind of magic, the breathwork with Karlyn helped me discover myself in new ways. She is also a wonderful person with kind and big heart. Give it a try!

  • Shiva

    Incredible holistic experiences during ceremonies holded by Karlyn. The seeds of love and spirituality are so wonderfully spread in each experience I have with her.

    Thank you beautiful soul for helping others in their life journey through kundalini, sound healing and much more. Keep on shining through your wisdom and talent

    Unconditionnal love

  • Lucie

    Thank you so much for your sharing, your creativity with your workshops your sensibility and your knowledge. Amazing different experiences with you, powerful and rich.

    I sincerely recommend to everyone want to do kundalini yoga, sound healing, or shamanism with her.

    Thanks again


  • Lewis

    I attended a Kundalini and Sound Healing circle held by Karlyn in Goa, India.

    It was an incredible experience and they made me feel comfortable to express myself in my own way.

    I highly recommend to anyone looking to improve themselves or those who want to practice simply letting go.

  • Karan

    I experienced their sound healing meditation. It was beautiful, truly memorable. Was amazed at how I felt after the experience. In awe of their talent for creating such powerful vibrations !

  • Jeanne

    Very good experience with Karlyn. It was my first gong bath and I'm planning to do others. It was very relaxing, soft and after the session Karlyn was very open for debriefing. Thank you again !

  • Christina

    Wow the best sound healing I've ever experienced ! Beautiful soul sister sharing her love, to provide deep healing through an integration of yogic, shamanic, intuitive mind and body healing medicine.

    Sat nam.

  • Laurence

    I went to a gong bath with Karlyn and the experience was as moving as soothing.
    Karlyn is a gem of a teacher.

  • Stéfan

    Incredible sensorial experience. I could feel the vibrations in all my body.
    Deep feeling of well-being and appeasement at the end of the session.

  • Thibault

    A real moment of sharing and openness. A gentle and beneficial accompaniment! Thanks again.

  • Ronald

    The involvement. The game. The sweetness. The sensibility. On my last journey with Karlyn, everything was there. Simply offered, nothing superfluous. That's what I need to journey: a calm environment, without feeling overwhelmed by it. A guidance that let me live my experience but on which I can rely on when I need it. Thank you again for this powerful moment of sharing.

  • Mariella

    Karlyn is very attentive, she is gentle and sensitive. Her shamanic, energy, or sound treatments are a real exploration... She takes you in her treatments on therapeutic journeys that soothe you, and open you up. She gives keys, or useful tools to continue the work. I highly recommend her.

  • Frédérique

    Karlyn opened my heart! I think that what I can say of her is that she is a Coach, Shaman, Therapist, or all at the same time.... She is an exceptional being! Very attentive despite my reserve, my resistance and also sometimes my aggressiveness, she knows how to pull the right thread to untie ... She has a magnificent presence, you can feel her open heart, and her eyes are lasers that read everything in me! So yes she made me cry... and pushed me to my limits... but the tears washed me clean, and her words soothed me and allowed me to unravel and understand... In a few sessions, I cleaned myself up of my blockages, and I learned life-saving breathing techniques with her... I also know thanks to her that it is up to me to find my way and it is she who shows me the way... Her presence is incredibly powerful and her advice liberating... I know that karlyn will forever be part of my life path. Thank you to this magnificent Soul whom I warmly recommend!

  • Aurélie

    It's always a privileged moment...Karlyn guides us, accompanies us with a work on breathing which allows many buried things to resurface. The gong bath is a real journey. The first appointment was intense in images and emotions. Thank you for the work and the journey!

  • Laura

    Karlyn is an amazing mentor and teacher. She helped me a lot during my spiritual journey and thanks to her, I feel much better than ever. Breathwork, shamanic journeys and shamanic retreat : everything was an incredible experience. She's very passionate, involved and is a very good listener. You can trust her deeply!

  • Edith

    I discovered Karlyn by chance on the internet, I was looking for a sound therapy and I discovered a pearl. In addition to being an excellent sound therapist, she offers very powerful treatments that are very effective every time.